Code of Conduct

All volunteers sent from Travelteer to placements in Sri Lanka are asked that they adhere to the following code of conduct:
1. Volunteers must report to their team leader in charge at the beginning of schedule day. At the programmes, they must sign in and out (kept by the designated programme co-ordinator) and show their Travelteer wristband as identification to the appropriate member of staff.
2. Volunteers are forbidden to drink alcohol at any point during their time at the projects .
3. There is a NO SMOKING policy for all volunteers whilst are at projects. If you wish to smoke during your free time, please go to the designated smoking area.
4. Volunteers must be respectful of every individual they come into contact with during their time at the programmes, tour and other activities. It is important that volunteers respect all cultural differences in care and teaching practices whilst in these environments.
5. Volunteers must always ask permission of either the teacher or person in charge if they are to initiate any activity with the children or young people.
6. Volunteers will be regarded as a Travelteer ambassadors during their stay and will work and act in a manner that promotes and enhances Travelteer. Whilst on or off duty no word, action, attitude or behaviour on their part could bring the good name of Travelteer into disrepute.
7. Volunteers will endeavour to work effectively as a team member, working in partnership with other volunteers and always supervised by staff.