Turtles Released


Trees Planted


Volunteers To Date


Tonnes of Rubbish Removed

Important Information

Icon for Start Date

Start Date

Every Sunday all year round

Icon for Duration


From 2 weeks to 6 months

Icon for Living Costs

Living Costs

£32 per day: Accommodation, Food, Transport and 24/7 Support

Icon for Minimum Age

Minimum Age

16+ Years

Icon for Destination


Sri Lanka


Marine & Wildlife Conservation

The Marine & Wildlife Conservation programme works closely with the Sri Lankan Environmental Department and local NGOs to create sustainable programmes. We have created a long-term strategy to re-generate key areas of rainforest and maintain and protect coral reefs and the marine life in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Our various hands-on projects will have you fully immersed in environmental conservation - whether it be helping with the restoration of sea turtle numbers along the coast, replanting indigenous trees or creating artificial nests for tree frogs.

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Working closely with local government and wildlife experts, our various projects aim to help secure the future of both flora & fauna in Sri Lanka and educate local communities in the importance of conservation.

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We have released over 37,000 Turtle Hatchlings into the ocean. These releases are public and include members of the local community - educating the children in these communities about conservation is essential!

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We have collected over 36 tonnes of marine debris from the beaches of Sri Lanka. Plastic pollution is a real issue globally and we want you to be a part of the solution!

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Our Agriculture project has provided countless families with fresh fruit and vegetables - we run this project at the local school, so children can see the importance of self-sufficiency.

Volunteer Roles

Our programmes are designed to be hands-on and make a difference in local communities. Scroll across and see how you'll be involved!

Sea Turtle Conservation

Help out at our Turtle Sanctuary! We need our volunteers to help with feeding hatchlings, cleaning tanks and nursing injured turtles back to health.

Beach & River Cleans

A basic but essential part of marine conservation. Marine debris is a serious global issue and all of us need to be doing our part to tackle it - you'll get involved by regularly cleaning Sri Lanka's beaches and river systems.

Tree Planting

Time to grab some gloves and get planting! Help restore rainforest areas in the Sri Lanka's Southern Districts with indigenous plants from our tree nursery.


This fantastic project helps to grow fruit and vegetables for disadvantaged local families - you'll be getting your hands dirty and making a real impact on people's lives.

Get Creative

You will help create artificial nests that aim to boost the number of Tree Frogs in Sri Lanka's Southern Province. Setting them up is a real experience, with a beautiful guided walk through the rainforest.
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Turtle Hatchery


Exploitation of sea turtles exists in Sri Lanka, where many eggs and turtles are traded illegally by illicit businesses. Such activities are inhumane and have a detrimental effect on the sea turtle population around Sri Lanka. The Travelteer turtle sanctuary has been built to combat this trade as well as providing conservation education for the local community.

This project aims to protect turtle eggs in our sanctuary and release hatchlings into the ocean safely. We also have a scheme where fishermen bring us injured turtles that have been trapped in fishing nets to be rehabilitated and released back into the ocean! The project is hard work but incredibly rewarding - releasing an injured turtle back into the ocean after rehabilitation is really special.

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We need volunteers to care for the turtles whilst they are at the sanctuary. Their food varies from sea grasses to crustaceans and fish. Injured turtles may need to have medicine applied to their injuries.



95% of Sea Turtle Hatchlings are released as soon as possible after hatching to mimic their natural life cycle - the remainder are 'Head-started' for 6 months to increase their chances of survival in the wild and closely monitored.



Each turtle enclosures needs cleaning twice a week. This requires you to drain the tanks, clean off the algae and refill with fresh sea water.



It is important to monitor newly born turtles' growth and injured turtles' health. We frequently measure and weigh the turtles to keep track of their growth!

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Beach & River Clean-up


The Beach & River clean-up project aims to restore and protect beaches and coastal rivers which are important habitats to the marine life along Sri Lanka's southern coast.

Plastics and other debris are hazardous to marine life such as turtles that ingest plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish. By keeping these areas litter-free we can help protect the local wildlife and take a small step in battling the plastic pollution crisis. All litter is sorted into its recyclable elements and is then taken to collection points to be broken down and reused.

To date, Travelteer has collected over 36 tonnes of plastic from the beaches and lagoons of Southern Sri Lanka!

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Our Beaches Before and After

before beach clean
after beach clean
before beach clean
after beach clean

Turn The Tide On Litter

Working as a team you will comb Sri Lankan beaches collecting as much rubbish as possible - beach cleans normally last around 2 hours and can sometimes result in up to 50kg of rubbish! These sessions are usually followed by volleyball or a swim on the now pristine beach, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labour!

Cruise The Rivers

Using small boats and rafts you will cruise around the rivers & lakes collecting any plastic or waste. Rakes and nets are provided and the stunning scenery really lights up in the late afternoon!

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Rainforest Restoration


During Sri Lanka's colonial era, large areas of rainforest were removed for the introduction of coffee plantations. Crop failures at these plantations led local government to plant non-indigenous pine trees which has had an adverse effect on the ecosystem.

Through our replanting project we aim to help regenerate the rainforest in Sri Lanka’s Southern district to its original state, providing an increase of indigenous plants and habitats for local wildlife - many of which are currently endangered.

Travelteer partners with local experts and provides volunteers with knowledge about the ecology of local rainforests, giving an amazing insight into the flora and fauna of Sri Lanka's south-west region.

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We run our own tree nurseries to grow indigenous plants & trees which are then planted in the rainforest. Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the nursery and duties such as collecting seeds, replanting seedlings and daily watering.



We work in three rainforests located in the Southern province. You will transport the young trees and plant them in designated plots. It is very important to tag and photograph your work. We then input all of this onto our database.



Volunteers also help with maintaining existing sites, monitoring plant growth and conducting wildlife surveys. We monitor closely the populations of indigenous wildlife with the goal of increasing their numbers.

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Travelteer's Agriculture Project works in partnership with local schools to grow fruit and vegetables and support various local communities.

The fruit and vegetables are firstly donated to local families who are struggling to afford their own food. Secondly, the school sells these to the local community, with the profits going towards new classroom resources.

This is a fantastic project that educates volunteers about agriculture in tropical climates and provides local children with knowledge about how to grow their own vegetables.

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Time To Get Your Hands Dirty!

You will be planting and farming various different types of fruit and veg including bananas, chilis, cardinal seeds, cinnamon and ladies fingers. You will help continue the project by creating new additions to the garden as well as maintaining what we have already accomplished!

Work As A Team

Farming is hard work! But don’t worry, we go as a team and all help out. With Sri Lanka’s climate we only have the late afternoon when the sun cools down to work. It’s amazing how much work we can achieve in a couple of hours!

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It's time to get exploring and make an impact! Simply click below and kick-off your dream volunteer experience.
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